Lifter of the Week - Caleb Sartin - Rip Toned

Lifter of the Week - Caleb Sartin

This feature aims to highlight and acknowledge outstanding individuals who never stop pushing in pursuing their fitness goals. It is a tribute to all weightlifters, athletes and fitness enthusiasts who share the same struggles and obstacles, conquering fears and most of all celebrating victories. We are all in this together.

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Q & A with CALEB


a. Where are you from?

New Bern, North Carolina


b. Instagram Name



c. What motivates you to train?

That I have a chance to better myself physically and mentally.


d. What’s your greatest success in bodybuilding?

My 1,185 Powerlifting Total


e. What music do you listen to when training?



f. Who are your bodybuilding inspiration?

Dorian Yates, Kevin Levrone, Jamal Browner, Nick Walker, and Rob Axselle


g. What are your dreams and or what excites you?

To break Florida’s USPA bench and squat record and to qualify for Drug Tested Nationals at my next meet. Long term goal would be to get my IFBB Pro Card. 


h. Do you have any shout outs or people you’d like to thank?

I’d like to give a huge shoutout to Rob Axselle. He’s been a major factor in all of my progress and a even bigger inspiration to me. Also I would like to shout out my trainer partners Dylan Houghton, Darrin Davidson, Joe Stewart, Paul Stewart, and Jack Gaston for pushing me everyday in the gym.

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