Home Workout Upgrade Must-haves
Mark PasayShare
These days, people are doing a lot more from home than ever before. People are working from home, learning from home, and of course, exercising at home. Even if your local gym is open, there are several reasons to set up or add to your workout space in your home. Here are some must-have features to enhance your home training whether you have an entire home gym, or just some space in the garage.
There is a reason that many gyms have entire walls of mirrors and it isn’t just because they think their customers are narcissistic. Being able to observe how your body moves during a workout is a valuable tool that helps make the most out of your workout.
Having a mirror in your workout space can help you ensure that you are using proper form. As an added benefit, a full-length mirror allows you to admire your home-grown gains as you work out.
When nothing else is available, bodyweight workouts are infinitely better than no workouts at all. That being said, investing in a kettlebell or two drastically adds to the efficiency of your workouts as well as give you several more options for dynamic exercise.
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Kettlebells are also great tools for increasing grip strength, which leads to better all-around performance in the gym. Adding kettlebells to your workout routine is a great way to add variety and build strength from home.
Resistance Band
Other than weight training, the most effective and cheapest way to go about working out at home is with a use of a giant rubber band. There are variations of this depending on the thickness and resistance. From Green, Blue, Yellow, Red and Black, starting from very light all the way from very heavy respectively. They’re durable, easy to put away and quite affordable.
A few of our favorite workouts with the use of resistance bands;
- Bicep curl - Step on the band with both feet and curl away!
- Kneeling Crunch - Attach the band to something sturdy and at least 5 feet in height. Get to a kneeling position and crunch while contracting abs
Push ups - Place bands across your lower back, palm both bands on each side and push up like so. Twice as hard but twice as effective and challenging
Rubber Mat/Yoga Mat
What better way to stretch those muscles before and after a workout than on a yoga mat. It secures both your footing and decreases the risk of bruising and injury. A home gym just isn’t enough without one.
Lifting Belt
Many gyms provide lifting belts for their patrons due to the many benefits that come from their use. One of the chief benefits being that the added support that lifting belts provide helps prevent injury.