Lifter of the Week - Darren Fryer - Rip Toned

Lifter of the Week - Darren Fryer

This feature aims to highlight and acknowledge outstanding individuals who never stop pushing in pursuing their fitness goals. It is a tribute to all weightlifters, athletes and fitness enthusiasts who share the same struggles and obstacles, conquering fears and most of all celebrating victories. We are all in this together.

Wanna Be the Lifter of the Week? - CLICK HERE


a. Where are you from?

Maui, Hawaii

b. Instagram name


c. What motivates you to train?

To stay young fit and active and to train for my skimboarding contents.


d. What’s your greatest success in lifting?

Doing my first muscle up in 2019 and now being in the strongest and best shape of my life at 27 years old.

Collagen Gummy
Rip Toned
Wrist Wraps (Less Stiff)
Rip Toned
Lifting Straps & Wrist Wraps Combo Pack
Rip Toned
Women's Libido, 2 serv. Sz
Rip Toned
BCAA - Fruit Punch
Rip Toned
Joint Support Matrix
Rip Toned


e. What music do you listen to when training?

ASAP mob, Roddy richh, Quavo, drake etc. mostly rap and hip hop in the gym.


f. Who is your weightlifting inspiration?

Frank Medrano


g. Do you have any shout outs or people you’d like to thank?

Huge shoutout to Jonathan Amaret for teaching me the importance of health and how it is one of our greatest wealth on this planet!


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