Lifter of the Week - Dylan Price - Rip Toned

Lifter of the Week - Dylan Price

This feature aims to highlight and acknowledge outstanding individuals who never stop pushing in pursuing their fitness goals. It is a tribute to all weightlifters, athletes and fitness enthusiasts who share the same struggles and obstacles, conquering fears and most of all celebrating victories. We are all in this together.

Wanna Be the Lifter of the Week? - CLICK HERE


Q & A with DYLAN


a. Where are you from?



b. Instagram name



c. What motivates you to train?

Motivated by the next powerlifting record I'm trying to break.


Greens Powder
Rip Toned
Weightlifting Straps with Silicone
Rip Toned
Pre-Workout, Fruit Punch
Rip Toned
Deep Sleep Support, 1 serv. sz
Rip Toned
Creatine Monohydrate - Unflavored
Rip Toned

d. What’s your greatest success in powerlifting?

Greatest success in powerlifting being a finalist at the 2020 WPO which is the biggest competition in my sport.


e. What music do you listen to when training?

Generally listen to hard rock or rap for my max effort lift attempts.


f. Who is your powerlifting inspiration?

If anyone is my inspiration its my team and I'll shout them out @mr.unconventional_, @saminal_the_animal and @born2bench_voigt



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