Lifter of the Week - Marc Mintle
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Q & A with MARC
a. Where are you from?
I live in Dallas, TX but I grew up all over the US and Central and South America
b. Instagram Name
c. What motivates you to train?
I’ve always trained because I want to fell prepared for anything that comes my way, but lately even more so by the fact that I’m getting older. Short answer - I’m training for life.
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d. What’s your greatest success in bodybuilding?
I train and keep up with a bunch of studs half my age, everyday. That is success for me.
e. What music do you listen to when training?
Rock and Roll, baby
f. Who are your bodybuilding inspiration?
Rich Froning and Mat Fraser - both multi-year holders of “Fittest Man on Earth” tittles. Total freaking studs!
g. What are your dreams and or what excites you?
Success in my second career. I want to inspire people to live and age well. Getting older doesn’t have to suck. Since leaving a long and very fun career in advertising, I’ve created my business tenaciousbastard.com and my IG @tenacious_bastard to help motivate people to stay active and never give up.
h. Do you have any shout outs or people you’d like to thank?