Lifter of the Week - Marnie Bailey - Rip Toned

Lifter of the Week - Marnie Bailey


This feature aims to highlight and acknowledge outstanding individuals who never stop pushing in pursuing their fitness goals. It is a tribute to all bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts who share the same struggles and obstacles, conquering fears and most of all celebrating victories. We are all in this together.

Wanna Be the Lifter of the Week? - CLICK HERE





a. Where are you from?

Originally from NC but live in TX

b. Instagram name



c. What motivates you to train?

My motivation to train is seeing feeling in the world when I see results.


d. What’s your greatest success in lifting?

Women's Libido, 2 serv. Sz
Rip Toned
Greens Powder
Rip Toned
Vegan Protein - Vanilla
4.5" Weightlifting Belt
Rip Toned
Joint Support Matrix
Rip Toned
Collagen Gummy
Rip Toned

Greatest success in lifting is deff my vision and goals. I look forward to lifting everyday because I have an outlook on what I want to become. I visualize what I want to look like and I work hard for that.


e. What music do you listen to when training?

I listen to Eminem, Motley Crüe, Busta Rhymes, Metallica to name just a few


f. Who is your weightlifting inspiration?

My weightlifting inspirations are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dana Bailey



g. Do you have any shout outs or people you’d like to thank?

My biggest Shout out is to my family who is so supportive of my gym time, my training and dieting... my kids, Taylor, Nic, and Keli and my sister Sherry (and Frank and my niece Tessa) are the people I would thank along this amazing journey.



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