Lifter of the Week - Meef Twins - Rip Toned

Lifter of the Week - Meef Twins


This feature aims to highlight and acknowledge outstanding individuals who never stop pushing in pursuing their fitness goals. It is a tribute to all bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts who share the same struggles and obstacles, conquering fears and most of all celebrating victories. We are all in this together.

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a. Where are you from?
Houston, Texas

b. Instagram name

c. What motivates you to train?

Joint Support Matrix
Rip Toned
Weightlifting Straps with Silicone
Rip Toned
Whey Protein Isolate - Vanilla
Rip Toned
Deep Sleep Support, 1 serv. sz
Rip Toned

What motivates us to train is our goal to always strive to better ourselves each day. We are always trying to be a better version of our past self, both in and out of the gym. We are motivated to achieve our future goals, even ones that are not yet possible. But so too are we also motivated by our roots/our origins/where we began our fitness journey. Our motivation comes from the MEEF Community. Everyone is an influencer. All we need is a little self believe to go out and Be MEEF .

d. What’s your greatest success in lifting?

Zach: My greatest “success” in lifting has been felt at several points throughout my fitness journey. The first time I felt “success” in lifting was the first time I was able to lift a barbell. When I first began my fitness journey, all I was able to lift was 2lb, 3lb, and 5lb dumbbells. Everything else was too heavy. The day I was able to lift a barbell was the start of my lifting addiction. The second moment I felt “success” in lifting was when I deadlifted 485lbs at 137lbs bodyweight. This is still to date my best and heaviest deadlift ever. My most recent “success” in the gym was about a week ago when I squatted 370lbs. However, these are just moments of feeling “success”. My true greatest success in lifting is starting MEEF Fitness. We want to Motivate Everyone to Enjoy Fitness, no matter who you are, what the activity it is you enjoy doing, or where you are in your journey, everyone is MEEF .
Sean: To be honest, my greatest success was not felt while lifting, but was felt outside of the gym. This success was felt during a time in which I was actively trying to lose weight, while also trying to complete my first half marathon in under 2 hours. When I was 13 I entered a 5k fun run, yet at the time I was so out of shape I was unable to complete the run. On that day I set a goal for myself that I would complete a half marathon within the next 5 years in ease. Although this success was felt outside of the gym, it was the countless hours spent in the gym that made this success possible. The success felt was a combination of achieving my goal of completing the race in under 2 hours, losing weight, and setting a goal and achieving it.


e. What music do you listen to when training?

The question is not what do the MEEF Twins listen to, but what do we not listen to when lifting. We generally listen to rap and hip hop, both old and new school. We also love funk, classic rock, and grime (British). We love finding a nonmainstream artist and putting them in the MEEF Spotlight during our pre-workout chugs. A few of our favorites to chug to are Phill Evans @phillevans1991, Yung Nation @yungnation, King Soloman @itsthekingsoloman, Pivot Gang, AG Club, Young Thug @youngthug and of course Lil Wayne @liltunechi (GOAT).


f. Who is your bodybuilding inspiration?
Our father is our number 1 inspiration. Throughout our entire lives, no one has stressed the importance of being healthy and physically fit more than him. He is the one who took us to the gym first and showed us the basics. He is the one who taught us that perfect form and proper execution of an exercise is most important, not the number of the weight being moved. We also get inspiration from the bodybuilding and powerlifting legends, such as Arnold SchwarzeneggerFranco ColumbuEd CoanJack Lalanne, Jane Fonda, Richard Simmons, Eugen Sandow, and Joe Weider.


g. Do you have any shout outs or people you’d like to thank?
First, we would like to thank our parents and older brother for believing in us, fueling our obsession, and seeing our potential to grow even when we couldn’t see it ourselves. Second, we would like to thank Monico Evans (@mytemplefitness), the best trainer we know. Monico helped us conquer and move past one of the toughest times in our lives. He took us from beginner level weightlifters to the MEEFY beast we are today. Third, we would like to thank Kendall Zwang (@kendallzwang) for helping us fulfill our desire to make MEEF Fitness a reality. If it wasn’t for your creative genius, we would not have a visual brand to stand behind. Fourth we would like to thank @BuffaloSpecialties for helping us further develop our brand and expand into merchandise. Lastly, we want to give a big shoutout to all the MEEF’ers out there. All the fitness YouTuber’s and trainers who have played central roles in helping develop who we are today. Specifically, we would like to thank @RzFitnesstv and @Beastmodejones.

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