Featuring Nick Hoover Having Fun Making Great Gains Strength Training - Rip Toned

Featuring Nick Hoover Having Fun Making Great Gains Strength Training

At 250lbs, 35% bodyfat, I started my fitness journey over 3.5 years ago. Joined a local gym, went every few days, no real plan, just knew I needed to get in better shape so I could be healthier.

I knew with an inherited risk of heart and other health issues, I needed to be on the offensive with my health.

Nick Hoover Wearing Rip Toned Weightlifting Belt

Nick Hoover 405lb Deadlift – Rip Toned Belt and Straps | Rip Toned 

After making a little progress, I felt I was too busy. I stopped going for a few months, then started feeling worse than before; tired, out of breath, legs in pain.

I started forcing myself to hit the gym in the morning.

Instantly my mindset changed and started making real progress.

During that first phase of progress, I somehow injured my knee, really putting a halt to anything gym related. Luckily a good friend is a Physical Therapist that gave me some exercises and stretches to do on my own. Three months later and to the objection of the surgeon that said I needed exploratory surgery, I was back at the gym feeling better than ever.

After a year of following other people’s programs, I started doing my own research and planning.

At that point, I decided I wanted to do this as a job. I bought the material and test waiver to get my ACE Certified Personal Trainer Certification.

The whole time I was studying, I was making serious muscle and strength gains because of the program I had developed for myself. I got my certification last August and was blessed by the birth of our baby girl in November.

I knew then that my health and fitness was for her and my wife for the rest of my life.

Whey Protein Isolate - Chocolate
Rip Toned
Weightlifting Straps with Silicone
Rip Toned
Vegan Protein - Vanilla
Pre-Workout, Fruit Punch
Rip Toned

I overstepped my boundaries with my confidence (as we all do sometimes) and popped (possibly broke) a rib trying to max out on 2 different lifts on the same day. I was forced to take 3 weeks off, then rehab my core for the next 3-4 months.

A little advice for everyone: Pace yourself, be smart in the gym and don’t be afraid to ask for a spotter.

Right now my goals are to increase my 1 rep max on the 3 main lifts (deadlift, squat, and bench press). My manager is trying to convince me to compete in a bodybuilding or powerlifting competition in the near future. Those are things I’ll have to wrap my head around for sure, seeing how I’ve never even considered it.

My ultimate goal is to open my own facility that has parts that cater to all types of fitness enthusiasts; bodybuilders, powerlifters, cardio addicts, crossfit lovers, and those that just want to maintain.

After exposing myself to all sorts of different views and practices, I found that a lot of ideologies have something good to offer.

I’m nowhere near where I want to be career or fitness wise…

But for now, my happiness comes from my loving and beautiful wife, my precious baby girl, and the gym.

Whether I’m in the gym working on my goals, or helping someone reach theirs through training… I’m having fun!!

Rip Toned would like to thank Nick for sharing his story with us as well as helping with some product testing and feedback on upcoming new products from Rip Toned.

We wish Nick all the best in his lifting career and in achieving and exceeding his personal and business goals.


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