Lifter of the Week - Gina Garechana
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Q & A with GINA
a. Where are you from?
b. Instagram name
c. What motivates you to train?
Beating the girl in the mirror. I started competing six years ago and just a month ago, in my 10th show, I finally earned my pro status in women’s physique in the drug tested Musclemania organization. So now I just want to be better than I was yesterday.
At 43 years old, it’s never too late to start. I did my first show at 38 and feel like I’m just getting started. I have a passion to inspire and motivate women over 40 to take control of their health and fitness in this phase of our life.
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d. What’s your greatest success in lifting?
The first time i got a 135# bench was pretty cool, but honestly every day I am there is a success and helps me get closer to my goals.
e. What music do you listen to when training?
My music would give you whiplash. I listen to everything from country to 90s alternative to heavy metal to rap. It’s just whatever happens to match my mood and my lift.
f. Who is your weightlifting inspiration?
I would say Ashley Horner has been a huge inspiration to me over the years. Just watching how she balances motherhood and being a complete boss.
g. Do you have any shout outs or people you’d like to thank?
My coach Ryan Baker and my super supportive family.