Lifter of the Week - Logan Pierce - Rip Toned

Lifter of the Week - Logan Pierce


This feature aims to highlight and acknowledge outstanding individuals who never stop pushing in pursuing their fitness goals. It is a tribute to all bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts who share the same struggles and obstacles, conquering fears and most of all celebrating victories. We are all in this together.

Wanna Be the Lifter of the Week? - CLICK HERE




Q & A with LOGAN

a. Where are you from?

Fresno, CA


b. Instagram name



c. What motivates you to train?

Being in the best state of my mental and physical well being and being better than I was the previous week.

Vegan Multivitamin
Rip Toned
Weight Loss PM, 1 serv. sz
Rip Toned
Shed Fat Thermogenic Energy
Rip Toned


d. What’s your greatest success in lifting?

Motivating others to better themselves and not quit when things get tough


e. What music do you listen to when training?

I listen to all types of music when I work out it really just depends on the day. Some days I’ll summon my inner demons while lifting and put on heavy metal and other days I’ll listen to soft piano music or a motivational speech


f. Who is your weightlifting inspiration?

King Arnold and The Rock


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